It's also that time of year when I start looking back at the things I planned to get done and haven't. And at the things I really want to get done before the year is over. So, with that in mind, some of us have formed the Ponytail Posse.
Here's the backstory. Not long ago, a friend told the story about how when her husband knew it was going to be a "get-stuff-done" kind of day by the fact her hair was in a ponytail. My daughter told me, and I realized when I get serious about some things...exercise for example, I put my hair up in a ponytail. After some pondering, we decided to form a group to keep each other accountable so that we can get some things accomplished. Like blogging on a regular basis, exercising, eating better, and that sort of stuff.
The posse in the name came from the fact that a posse goes out and chases. They don't sit and wait for the bad guy to come to them.
We even have a couple cool apps for our phones. I'm really liking HabitBull. The free version lets you track 5 habits you want to instill. I bought the premium version cause I have more than 5. Plus, I get reminders when I need to do things. Do It Tomorrow is another one I like. It's a list for the day and if you don't get it done today, it moves to tomorrow. I use it for a "to-do" list. It's nice to see things get scratched off. And, for eating better, I'm using CarbManager. I also went with the premium version of this one for the better tracking of blood sugar. It's a low-carb type app but I really like the way it tracks macros.
So...the point of all this. DO you need to get some stuff done before the end of the year? Want some accountability? If so, let me know and I'll send you an invite to the Ponytail Posse. It's a totally positive, no guilt, place for a bit of encouragement, motivation, and accountability.