Yesterday started another blog challenge and naturally, I signed up. I even brainstormed post ideas and planned to have a bunch ready to go. But, like the best laid plans of mice and men, that plan went asunder.
That's not to say I didn't think about blogging yesterday, I thought of it several times. And I pushed the thought away each time. As I pondered blogging, I've come to the conclusion that I'm burned out one it. Years ago, I was a daily blogger and had several blogs going at the same time. It was fun then. There was interaction with the readers and it didn't feel like I was alone and unread.
I mean, seldom is a comment left, even when a pointed question is asked. Sure, the blog challenge people are good about commenting...they have to comment on at least three blogs. But, I've watched my numbers and for those who stop by, it's sad the number who don't leave comments.
As an author, the experts say a mailing list is one of the best way to get readers. And I suppose that may be true, but getting people to sign up for your newsletter is harder than pulling hen's teeth.
Or maybe I"m not doing it right. I'm kinda at a loss. I'm not sure whether I'll continue with this challenge, I've got 900 other things I need to be doing that seem to be more productive. And productivity is one of the things I've got to consider right now.
So, here's your change to prove me wrong. Sign up for my "ever-so-often" newsletter to keep informed of what will be happening. We are planning some exciting stuff. Also, am I the only one not seeing engagement on their blog?
Here's an updated picture of my heathen,,,just because. This was taken the first week of December, right after his 2nd birthday.