Do you know anyone who is always negative. No matter what happens, even good stuff, they can find a negative about it and that's what they focus on. Or what about a person that is always positive? No matter what happens, even something bad, they can find a positive aspect and focus on that.
But what about you? What is your attitude? And I think this is sorta where I'm going...

I mean, think about it. I I'm negative all the time, who is going to want to hang out and be friends? Only another negative person...and they just want to tell me how much worse they have it than I.
If I'm looking on the negative side of a situation, then I'm probably a bit depressed. And being depressed, I don't feel that great, so I'll stay home in my jammies and feel sorry for myself, which makes me feel worse.
And feeling worse, I'll have a pity party which no one will want to attend so I end up isolated and alone. I won't chase dreams, I won't go on outings and have adventures. I won't socialize with positive people and have fun. I won't look for solutions 'cause, what's the use.
But the opposite is true also. I can choose to look for the good. In situations, in people, in my daily chores. I can look for and find solutions. I'll chase dreams and achieve them. I'll have friends and enjoy time with them. I'll get out, go on adventures...even it it's just a trip to Walmart. :-)
Our attitude is our choice. How's that for a truth-bomb? We are the ones who determine how we look at things. I remember! Last year I did the keto thing for a while but during the holidays I got off and ate all those holiday foods that don't come around often. But, on the first, I jumped back on the keto wagon with both feet. (I need to do low carb 'cause of blood sugar issues.) Well, because I've been so good with it, no cheating, no foods that I shouldn't have, I should have been in ketosis on Thursday, Friday for sure. But I wasn't. So, in trying to figure out why, I discovered that one of the foods I believed was appropriate for the keto way of eating...I mean, it is even called keto-friendly, actually isn't for some people. Apparently, I'm one of those people. Not only was I annoyed, but I was a bit discouraged. And, I let my attitude get out of hand and felt sorry for myself. Which led to snickers, double stuff oreos, french fries, and m&ms.
Instead of continuing to move forward, I've now taken several steps back and have to start over again. Which I'm doing today. I'll be more aware and diligent. I'm a bit annoyed with myself but I'm letting it go, looking at the positive, and moving forward.
So...remember, your attitude is your choice. When you slip up, forgive yourself and move on. It's okay. Choose to be happy, and positive, and joyful, and thankful. You'll soar a lot higher and farther. And it'll be lots more fun. :-)